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Make your brand guidelines easy to access for your employees and third parties. 

Allow users to digest relevant chapters for print, digital, social or video elements depending on what is most relevant to them.




Live information is inputted by your global compliance, legal and facilities teams which means that outputs for basic brand templates such as business stationery and email signatures are always up to date with the correct regulatory wording and office addresses. 

Users can personalise the output and choose whether to output as a pdf or send to print via your print logistics provider.  Templates such as event name badges, client / visitor passes can also be produced via the tool.




Upload zip files of your brand bank of images and media files. 

Users can search, shop for and download their selected image assets in various file sizes/formats.




Upload zip files containing your core brand assets so that your agencies and employees can download what they need to complete their work in a brand approved format.  MS Office Templates, Logos and icons, Video assets, Web assets and more.


Product Store


Upload your branded products, descriptions and images so that your global employees have access to all brand approved stock. 

Integrate this tool with your logistics supplier's tech platform for live stock levels and a complete history of orders.

Product Store

Campaign and Events Builder


Your brand team will be able to control the core assets for central events and campaigns and signal to your marketing teams to transcreate the assets. 

Basic templates such as email banners, printed banners and invitations and social digital images can be created and output via the tool to save on typesetting hours and costs. Users will be guided through the process to build their own event/campaign.

Campaign and Events Builder
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